This was going to be started after graduation, when I began the adventure of being a nanny to 11 adorable kids....but being a nanny to 11 adorable kids can be pretty time consuming and it just never happened.
To sum up the past few months could take pages and pages.....May held many mixed emotions of saying goodbye to a place I had called home for four years, saying goodbye to friends I had lived with, cried with, studied with, laughed with, worked with etc......the feeling of relief after my very last final can not be described...a journey I thought would never end did..successfully (and keeping me company with many loans).

The week after the wonderful day of graduation my dear brother got married to the most incredible girl I have ever known. Their wedding was perfection, full of tears, laughter and celebration. I was spilling with pride for my big brother all day and in awe of his beautiful bride. He did good.
A day after the wedding I took off, saying goodbye to the St. Olaf campus and moved to Sulphur Springs Texas. Talk about a culture shock. I was in for a summer full of stories, challenges, hard times, incredible times, and three months of having my socks blessed off. There was never a dull moment....ever. I fell in love with my dear kiddos and had a great time being initiated into the Texas culture of two-steppin, tailgate partying, and late night wal-mart runs.

And now here I am sitting in TN awaiting the next adventure.....
After a summer of going back and forth and searching for what was God's will and what wasn't I finally decided that I was supposed to be in Nashville. This decision left me beyond excited and utterly heart broken. Saying goodbye to these precious faces was going to be unimaginable.......but looking forward to this was a dream come true......
so that is my quick summary of life....very shallow....nothing very deep or exciting.....but now begins the adventure of starting my more school. no more short time summer jobs.....this is it
Ahhhhh dear friend...I love this, love your heart and love seeing God work in and through you.....Love you!!
Love the new blog!